Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby 2010

It's Pinewood Derby time again. Here's Spencer gearing up for his car to come down the track.

After about an hour of races they announced the winners.
2nd Place in the Wolf Den! Great Job Spencer & Daddy.
Here's all the winners.

Trophy and car.
Lauren celebrating too.

Till Next Time,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our Furry Baby

Yes, our cat is a baby. And when Lauren brought her a pillow and baby blanket one cold morning, she didn't bother to move.

Snuggly warm in bed with my mom and sister.

Hey, anybody for breakfast in bed?

Oh, thank you sis, get my cover back up there.

Sweet dreams little fur baby.

Have you heard? Cats rule....dogs drool.

