Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend Fun

Is there a doctor in the house? Why, he is now.
Nurse - this patient needs a shot.
Here, let me help you hold your... pink leopard cat.

It looks like you're enjoying this a little too much ma'am.

Sweet Spencer playing on the laptop on a lazy Saturday morning.

Oh look, here's the girls in the princess room. Does that look on her face say caught?

There's our Hannah Montana wanna-be rocking out on her iPod.

Typical day... a little music, dolls in the stroller, table set for a tea party.

Hey look, there's me in the mirror.

A fun weekend. Is it spring break yet?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lauren loses a tooth

It's been loose for weeks but when our 'cookie monster' bit into a chocolate chunk cookie it was too much for her tooth.

She couldn't have been more surprised.
She looks so funny and cute with that big space up top. Hello snaggle tooth!
But is still always ready to pose. Imagine that.
Silly girl.
The tooth fairy is getting popular around here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A snowy Valentines weekend

Here are some pictures from our snow day on Friday. The kids were out of school and waiting anxiously for enough snow to fall to make snowballs.

Making our snowman.

This is hard work!

This was more Lauren's speed.

A view from the front. Already melting on the street.

Lauren checks out the play set.

Anyone want to slide?

Check out my snow.....mixed with leaves and twigs :)

This is GREAT!

We even had enough left on Saturday morning to make snowmen.