Friday, May 22, 2009

Pre-School Graduation

Lauren's four year old class had Graduation this week. They paraded into the church with the typical pomp and circumstance. Their program started with the pledge and 'My Country Tis of Thee' then they sang a song in Spanish. Very Cute. The presentation of diplomas was interesting and funny. More like herding cats if you ask me but still, cute.
Here are a few pics from the evening.

What a busy week but it was all good. And now, summer we come. I'm hoping the change in scenery AND friends does them both a world of good. Sometimes change IS good.

Friday, May 15, 2009

School Days

Spring school pictures are back for Lauren's 4-year old preschool class. She looks SO grown up in these and cute as a button, but I'm biased of course.

I'm FIVE now!

All smiles.

4-K Graduation is next week. Here's the graduate in her first cap & gown. May this be the first of many, many more!

I'm so very happy it's Friday. It's been a long work week and I can't wait to spend some time at home with these beautiful little ones.